Not only have I been doing Take It Off Together Tuesdays, I've also been doing Summer of Me (Fat Ticker Fridays) at Baby Tea Leaves. Every Friday we check in with our weights, and if we're lucky we can win a prize for the week. So far I haven't won any, but that's o.k. LOL This week Christine at Baby Tea Leaves asked us to make a post with this:
-I'd have no problem losing weight (or keeping it off) if it weren't for ___________. (Fill in the blank--and it can be serious or not so serious, you decide!).
So here's my story. I'd have no problem losing weight (or keeping it off) if it weren't for my addiction to Coca-Cola. It's my one vice, weakness, call it what you will. It is my crack. LOL I've tried going cold turkey many times only to be wanting it so bad I can taste it. Funny thing is though, if I order a coke while I'm out, I NEVER finish it now. It's obviously a waste of money. I don't even finish the entire can that I limit myself per day. It doesn't even taste as good as it used to, but for some reason, I'm finding it very difficult to give it up. Could it be subconscious? Is it just that my body is so used to all the sugar and caffeine from it? I'm trying to taper off this time in hopes that I can get down to just one PER WEEK. Hey, I think I like it too much to give it up. LOL As for diet sodas, just can't drink them. Anything with artificial sweeteners makes me dizzy and my stomach sick.