Tuesday, May 22, 2007

I finally emailed my primary doc a week or two ago stating my frustration and how I still felt like there was something in my throat that may or may not be affecting my left ear. The left ear has some discomfort and has for a few months now. The feeling in my throat had always been on the left side, but now I've discovered something.

I keep hearing and feeling a 'clicking' in my throat. Steve could even hear it at one time. I started to feel my throat and discovered a lump on the right side of my throat. Searched online to see what could be the cause and most, who say they have had that experience, say that it involved their thyroid. Great, something else in my life with Hashi to look forward to.

I have an appointment with a head/neck surgeon on Thursday in a city that's about 45 minutes from here. Another wonderful perk of dealing with my HMO...Gotta stay within their system which sometimes means going to another city to a Kaiser that has the equipment to do more extensive testing. One of the things I hate about going to that appointment on Thursday is not being able to see all of the kids' award ceremonies. I almost called to reschedule, but I think I'd be helping my kids out more if I was taking care of myself to make sure I'm around a long time to see them grow up and have kids of their own.

Got some other medical issues I'm dealing with as well, but one thing at a time I guess. I'm 40 years old and I'm falling apart...lol


MarmiteToasty said...

((((((((((((Ciara)))))))))))) bloody hell woman............ cripes......... you should of emailed me....... dam dam dam........

when I read the title, life wiht Hashi my head reads cornedbeef hash LOL....... or ya name is hashi lol.....

Blimey we are all falling apart....... glad you have Steve by your side Ciara......ya knows that I loves ya right?

Just been dealing with some bits and bobs..... but Im back now, so Im all ears..........


Pam said...

((((((mel)))))))no, it's not corned beef hash...i don't even like the stuff lol i'm doing ok...still in one piece. i will be posting bout the doc visit soon. all is 'normal'...so they keep telling me. steve's by my side, but he thinks i just like to go to the bleedin docs all the time lol thx for ur support, i really appreciate it. xoxoxo
