As promised, my TSH results. You can see that my last one was taken on 6/13/08. My TSH is .7. What's interesting to note here is the unsteadiness of my levels. I have not been able to get regulated. I think there's a combination factor for that. One, is that at first I wasn't getting enough medication. It started to change, as you can see by the decrease, with the Cytomel. Second, the fact that sometimes I forget to take my meds on a regular schedule. For all I know, I could have accidentally doubled up on the Cytomel. I'm trying to be better about it, but it's not going too well right now. LOL
I feel decent, a bit tired at times, but I'm good. Still losing quite a bit of hair, but that could be because of my thyroid levels right now. I do have some hyperthyroid symptoms. I think I lose way more than the 100 strands they say a normal person would.
I ran out of meds this week and didn't get them ordered until today. The pharmacy in the closest Kaiser doesn't carry my meds. Luckily, there were enough Cytomel to last until I get back from my trip next week. Unfortunately, I have to go without the Levothroid. I'm hoping that I still have some of the lower dosage ones that could get me through until Thursday. Better go scrounge around in my nightstand.
Hi- This is Tina again, I sent you a msg last night about also having hashimoto's myself. I have had my thyroid meds increased 4 times in the last three years, and I have been taking 1.5 levothyrine for about a year and it seems to be almost regulated. I am the same have a hard time taking meds on regular basis, but found if I take it before I go to bed, then I feel much more rested in the morning.
Hi Tina-i don't always get to commenting and such right away. i apologize. if you want to join up with the weight loss group just click on leigh's name from the list in one of the Taking It Off Together Posts. She is our 'ring leader' so to speak lol
i do take my levothroid before bed, but i take cytomel twice a day. i currently take 137 mcg of levothroid and 5mcg x2 of cytomel a day. w/o cytomel i would still be taking 3+ hour naps just to make it through the day.
What is the unit of measure on the vertical axis of your chart?
Seems like our TSH levels are similar.
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